
Question about missing weight?

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I know that if weight is missed for a title fight it becomes a non-title fight, but is there any punishment for missing weight in a non-title fight? Regardless of the outcome of the Hughes-Alves fight will anything happen to Alves because of it?




  1. Alan J is the best!!!

  2. Well, the other competitor can decline the fight, but since I highly doubt Matt Hughes would do that, I suspect he would get a chunk of Alves's payout regardless of winnings.

    I'm just saying this out of experience from what I've seen generally happens when weight is missed- either way, Alves is penalized in some way, shape, or form. Not to mention the fact that they probably won't give Alves a title shot even if he wins against Hughes to avoid any risk of him missing weight against Pierre.

    In the case of everyone except for Gina Carano, I'm pretty sure if someone repeatedly misses weight, the promotion they are signed with won't give them any more fights, refuse to re-sign them, or just fine them with each infraction.

  3. Well the organization gets really upset with you and are less likly to give you a title shot until you prove your more responsible. Then the fans usually get upset. The other fighter also has the choice to decline the fight or accept it. If they accept it they get a portion of your fight purse. In this case Alves gives ten percent of his purse to Hughes. I imagine that the more weight you miss the higher the purse.

  4. Percentage of the fighter's purse goes to the other fighter (Usually based on how far over they were)

    Fighter that made weight can decline to fight without penalty

    For Alves, It probably won't matte much. He'll forfeit some cash to Hughes and might have to fight again to get a shot at the belt (if he wins), but it shouldn't be a big deal.

    It's different from when Lutter missed weight and the MW title fight became a non-title fight.

  5. Hughes will get a percentage of Alves' purse. Basically, it cost him a percentage of whatever he wins. When Lutter missed weight against A. Silva he lost his title shot and lost money.

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