
Question about moving out???

by  |  earlier

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well im 15 going to a good school,good grades,play sports.i'll be 16 in aug. me and my parents have a hard time most of the time pretty annoying but whatever i deal with it i plan on goin to college and dorming.but i wanted to move out before that like the begining of my senoir year i'll be 18 so i thoought about saving up till then and maybe get an apartment 6 or 12 month lease not sure...then college i dont know how that would work like go to community or try as hard i as can and try and get a scholarship wrestling or playin football ???




  1. At the end of my junior year I wanted to move out so badly, I was counting the days. I didn't appreciate anything I had living at home. By the end of my senior year, my parents couldn't wait to get rid of me. As soon as I moved out I realized how good I had it at home. Parents/family life can be annoying, but there's no need to rush. Save your money, you're gonna need it later...a lot.

  2. You are legally a child. No reputable landlord will rent to you. Sorry. Go to your folks and give them both a big hug and tell them that you love them and then have a serious talk and try to get on the same page for the next couple years. Good luck.

  3. If you are honest and have some money saved up, a landlord will be glad to rent to you.  Start looking now. /

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