
Question about my 13 month old and his bowel movements?

by  |  earlier

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for the past few days, every time i change my son he has a p**p. it has what seems to be some kind of mucus in it. he has a very bad rash from going so much and perhaps the consistency as well. i have stopped using the wipes, and i just use a wet cloth so the rash doesnt get worse. he has a dr appt tomorrow but has anyone seen p**p like this before? what could it be?




  1. What is the matter with you????   Why are you bothering askning peoples' advice that you don't know serious advice about your 13 month old?   You should be talking to your doctor!!!  Do you even have one???

  2. Mucus can mean an irritated gut. If your child is teething, it could just be he's swallowing a lot of spit and it's upsetting his tummy. If you tried a new food, it may not agree with him. If you're still breastfeeding, good for you! but it may be something you're eating. More things go through the milk than many doctors believe. I'm glad you're going to the doctor too.  I see bad medical advice on the internet every day. :)

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