
Question about my Ex and being friends?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this question before and got few responses. So thanks.

My ex contacted me recently in hopes of being my friend. I am so weary of being his friend as I was the one that got hurt in the break up. He has typical commitment issues, we dated for a year and were getting closer and closer and leaves over night. No fights, no warnings, nothing even said I am best girl he had the night before the break up. We have done this before comes back be my friend and such. I don't think I can trust him.. do you???




  1. stop taking his calls and if he calls you tell him that you want to know where the two of you stand if he cant commit then he can hit the road in a way its like he wants to have you just there in case.

  2. The level of trust required for a romantic relationship is often much different than the level of trust required for a non-romantic friendship.  He's asking you to be his friend, not asking you to be emotionally vulnerable, you know?  Without knowing more, it's hard to think of it as anything other than a good thing that he's asking for your friendship.

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