
Question about my Uterus?

by  |  earlier

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So i went to the doctor the other day for a Endometrial Biopsy, and i must tell you i freaked out in there cause it hurt so bad, even with the meds. it still hurt like it wasn't there, i will never do that again. but my question is my doctor said that i didn't have much of a Endometrial Lining. she said they do this surgery right before your cycle to test to see if im ovulating. so if i didn't have much of a Endometrial Lining what does that suppose to mean?

Thank you so much.




  1. Not having much of an endometrial lining could suggest you are not ovulating and your body is not building up enough lining (that would later turn into a period). For example if an egg was fertilized it wouldnt have much to implant into.

  2. ask your doctor

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