
Question about my Venus Flytrap?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I got this "grow your own Venus Flytrap" kit at Urban Outfitters, and I did everything it said to do.

After doing the thing with the seeds and the soil in the tube thing, you're supposed to put the tube in the freezer/refrigerator for 6 weeks as a "winter" period..

anyway, I checked on it today, and on the soil there was a green spore about the size of a penny and it was moving around..what is that?! is it the plant or is it fungus?!?!




  1. no.

  2. Actually, Venus Fly Trap seeds don't need a stratification period (I guess the directions of your kit call it a "winter" period).  You should just plant the seeds and put them in bright light.  They should sprout in about 3 weeks.

    I just planted seed from my plants about 3 weeks ago and they are all sprouting now.

  3. fungus is furry and i don't think it could survive in the freezer. also, i don't think you can see fungus moving around.

  4. dont like the sound of that, maybe call the company

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