
Question about my braces?

by  |  earlier

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I've had my bottom braces for 10 months and by top braces for 8 months. My teeth are perfect now and I've been in my final wires for 2 months. My orthadontist said it wouldn't be long until we could talk about getting my braces off, and that was about a month ago. In your opinion do you think he meant I'll be getting them off within my next coupld appointments? Please answer this question because it's been on my mind since my last appointment and I need some opinions. Thank you.




  1. probobly not.  He probobly means it will be like 2 or 3 months and then he will tell you that in two more months they will come off.  You likely have awhile to wait still

  2. probably my orthodontist like said the same the two appointments ago so I am expecting mine off pretty soon!

  3. well if he says that then, yes.

    if you're wearing your rubber bands, that usually means you're on your way to getting them off soon.

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