
Question about my bunny and bowel movements.?

by  |  earlier

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Is it possible for a rabbit to get IBS or chronic diarrhea? My poor bunny hasn't had any raisin droppings in at least a week....just clods of poo. His r****m is really red and his entire butt and tail is dried p**p. DH and I brushed him good and gave him a bath in baby shampoo just now which helped some, but his white fur is all brown around his butt and hind legs. Any ideas? He's on a steady diet of 2 cups of rabbit food daily (alfalfa pellets, corn, carrot nuggets, and timothy hay) as well as salt licks, veggie licks, and water.




  1. This is a very bad sign. Diarrhea and general stomach upsets can be fatal to rabbits very quickly. First off, what you're feeding him is c**p. If he's an adult he should be getting a timothy based pellet not an alfalfa one. And he should definitely not be getting carrot nuggets and corn.

    The salt licks are completely unnecessary contrary to popular belief, and I have no idea what a veggie l**k is but it probably is too.

    Here's some great rabbit diet information:

    You may need to take him in to the vet.

  2. you try should tack the animal to the vet to get it checked or it doesn't like it's new diet and is having a reaction. try changing his diet to another.

  3. Change his diet - even if it means paying a little more. I found that when I bought the cheap stuff from Walmart my bunnies would constantly have diarrhea.

    Also make sure he doesn't get anything made of mostly water (like lettuce, melons, etc..). It's very harmful even deadly.

  4. he needs timothy hay. its devastation to rabbits and guinea pigs if they dont get it.. a huge part of their diet. he should be getting a stack as big as his body every day. its fiber

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