
Question about my central a/c. It is about 12 years old I think? Kenmore brand. It stopped cooling.

by  |  earlier

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I shut it off at the wall control. Then, I put a new air filter in. When I turned the a/c back on, it ran a few minutes, maybe 10-15, and it threw the breaker. It has never done this before. I reset the breaker, and it threw it again, about 10 minutes later. I called a repair company, but they can't make it for another week. HELP!




  1. time to break down and get another...most a/c's last 10-15 years could be just the motor needs to be replaced...get another or get fans until repair comp gets there

  2. dude...air condintioners have to stop working sumtime. 12 years is quite a while to hav an a/c. i say get a new energy efficitnet one ;)

  3. 2 obvious problems. Your condenser located outside could be worn and drawing too much power or overheating. Make sure the condenser fan is running. The other is your circuit breaker is worn and tripping prematurely. It needs replacing. I had a similar problem and it was a worn circuit breaker.

  4. Is the fan in the furnace running when the breaker is on? Is there a good amount of air coming out of the air vents in the house?

    Seems like quite a coincidence that it just now stopped. I'm hoping that you pushed the filter or something else into the furnace fan.

    Is it a single breaker or a double breaker that blows? A/C units use both. A single, probably 15 amp for the furnace portion of the system. A double, much higher amps, for the outdoor, compressor, portion of the system.

    P.S. The "thumbs down faerie" has been here. Everyone has some thumbs down, even the good answers. Perhaps the person doing that could be generous enough to share with us why he/she thinks all of the answers are bad.

    And ease up on Cristina. She's only 13 years old and she is already an expert on air conditioning. That's pretty good for a kid.

  5. Cristina, you seriously need to learn how to use "spell-check". That said, call the Sears Parts and Repair people - 1-800-4-MYHOME. Inasmuch as it's a Kenmore appliance, they'd be the best to service it. At this time of year, most A/C companies are swamped with calls, so it's possible that a week isn't that bad....I know that doesn't help in your situation, but it's possible that Sears can make it over quicker.

  6. Shut off the power,remove the panel and take a peak inside it.A wire may have rubbed on sheet metal and is shorting out.Have a look at her.

  7. The contactor points are worn causing low voltage to the compressor and high amp draw.

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