
Question about my corn snake.?

by  |  earlier

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I've had my corn snake for about two weeks now and when i first started handling him (i waited a few days to handle him so he wouldnt stress) he would crawl all through my fingers and my hands. But now for some reason he seems to be avoiding my hands. Like when im holding him he'll keep his head up so that it wont touch my hands. And when i put my hand out for him to crawl on to it from the other hand he'll either turn around or hold his head up until its passed my hand and then let the rest of his body touch my hand. He will also veered to the side trying to avoid my hands touching him. He also doesnt move around when i hold him like he used to. Is this normal for a baby corn snake? I've made sure to keep my hands away from his head too. Will he eventually slither through my hands the way he did when i first got him? I dont want him to be scared all the time when im handling him.




  1. everything sounds fine just handle him a little each day and he will get more and more comfortable with you. You might also wash and dry your hands before you hold him, sometimes lotions and other smells will bother them

  2. I think you're just getting a little overworked over nothing. Everything sounds 100% normal and completely fine and there's nothing you need to change or do. Just continue to hold and enjoy your corn snake. I doubt the sanke is actually intentionally avoiding to go through your hands b/c it's scared, it may just be looking for a non obstacle.

  3. that is normal, all snakes are a little head shy to a sertain extent but he will get more comfortable with you.

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