
Question about my daughter starting to "Pull up" on things???

by  |  earlier

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She has started to pull up in her Playpen and sometimes she lets go and falls back...Is this going to hurt her or harm her in anyway? Im so nervous...Is this ok???




  1.   That is normal how else can she learn how to stand or even to walk? don't worry you will have many more things to worry about in the next 18.

  2. That is perfectly normal and she will be ok. Of course as long as there is nothing hard in there that she can hit her head on. She will learn that she cant just let go unless she gets balance first. Soon she will probably just slide down to a sitting position instead of just letting go. Its all a learning experience

  3. as long as nothings behind her to harm her she should be alright, its helping her learn to bring herself down slowly and carefully. as long as there isnt anything she can harm herself on, she should be alright. x x  

  4. She'll be fine. Just make sure there are only soft toys in there so she doesn't hit her head.

  5. Thats why diapers are so thick. When they fall they have the extra padding. But seriously, all babies do this and it helps them learn how to balance themselves on their feet. Just make sure she dosent have any hard toys in there that she can hurt herself on and she will be fine.

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