
Question about my friend?

by  |  earlier

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me and my friend went to a waterpark the other day and met these two guys. they were both really cute but i really liked one of them because i just thought he was so hot. so me and my friend were hanging out with them and she said she liked him too. and he asked me for my number and after i gave it to him my friend looked really sad. i felt bad even though right when we saw him i said i liked him specifically. idk what to do. he probably wont remember my number anyways lol but i just feel bad cuz he seemed more into me than her. what should i do?




  1. dont let a guy come inbetween you, but explain that he did ask for YOUR number not hers.

    Good luck (:


  2. talk to ur friend

    and tell her theres better guys

    but tell her that u like him too

    support her in a way

    that ull feel good of urself

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