
Question about my horse wearing a "tail guard/wrap outside in turnout/ maintaing a long tail and advice!!!

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Since it is fly season my horse has been ripping out small chunks of his gorgeous full thick tail that's down to the ground. I braid it and bag it everyday. Some people say I shouldn't keep a tail bag on in fly season but if I didn't my horse would step on his tail and pull it out. I just now started using MTG for growth and fullness. Anyway::

I found this tail wrap/guard thing:

and it says it can be used to protect braiding and hair breakedge. Could I keep this on my horse while he's on turnout and than take it off when he comes in? Or is this a bad ideas? Will it stay on?

Also if this isn't the greatest idea is there any way I can protect the top of his tail or the whole tail? Other ways to maintain a long tail would be great too!




  1. This is what I used 30 years ago because I couldn't afford anything else, it worked so well that I have continued to use it, and nothing else.  I use two pairs of pantyhose (support hose is the best) and lay one leg of the hose over your shoulder to use later, leaving 3 nice, nylon sacks to separate the tail into..wet the tail and separate it into 3 equal parts, fold them up and drop them in the top , and when you have done this with all three parts,.then just braid the tail while it is in the can stop the braid anywhere, leaving enough for the flies and with the piece that is lying on your shoulder, run it through the top of the tail where your braid started, back under and through and over again and tie it off, you can make it as tight as you want, you are below the tail bone and you still have the 3 pieces full of hair hanging that you haven't braided..take the bottom or the toe end of each of the pantyhose that have the hair inside and shake it until the hair falls to the bottom, .they can wear this all of the time, as the hair isn't being damaged, it's light and doesn't bother them, isn't tight anywhere that it matters and it's inexpensive. The pantyhose is slick, so it slides easier over anything that might catch it, like the fence, branches, etc, but it is capable of ripping out right where it is caught too, so your horse doesn't get caught up in something and panics... You can actually rinse the tail out with the water hose without undoing the pantyhose.  Also, as far as the hair that is on the tailbone, I just water it with the hose every day, sometimes twice a day, just like watering flowers...and while I'm at it, I go ahead and rinse out the rest of the tail that is in the all dries quickly, but it get the dirt out without adding any products that attract the dirt...that is the culprit, just like in your carpet, it wears out the tail hair.  I like those tail protectors in the photo, and they work well with just what they are listed for...yes, you can use them for everyday use, although they get a little warm under don't want to apply them too tightly, just after you have it arranged around the tail, as high up as you can get it, take a strand of hair and put it right in the velcro strip, then close it up in it...that will keep from slipping down...I like to use a bit of hair from two different places so that any weight that might be on that hair, is equally distributed from two places on the tail...that I take off every night in the stall, as it needs air to it and those strands of hair release for a while...get different strands each time that you do this.

  2. I don't think this will stay on. I think this is more for tail rubbing and such. But anyway, they make the kind that you braid in the hair in three sections. They have always worked the best for us.

  3. Tail wraps like this are normally only used for breeding, exams, and to keep the hair from getting damaged while in the trailer. They do make tail bags with tassles on the end to swat flies with. But, I have never used one.

    Shampoo and deep condition your horses tail weekly. You can also put on some Cowboy Magic or another detangler to help the hair stay healthy. If you horse has an issue with scratching his butt, try washing under his tail. Use a washcloth or sponge and water, get all of the bare skin clean. Then dry it off with a towel.

    2 of my guy's tails drag the ground about 4 inches behind them.  To take care of theirs, I braid it from the end of their tail bone down and leave about 6 inches or so unbraided to swat flys. If you do braid it, you will need to undo the braid every few days then brush it out, and rebraid it. I also shampoo and deep condition their tails weekly to help prevent brakage. When they are stalled and I don't have to worry about flies I braid their tail and then fold the braid up (accordian style) and band it.

    If you keep the tail braided it will end up being wavy. And it takes a while for the waves to come out.

  4. In ALL of my experiences they never stay in and you spen a lot of time finding them. I would just giev your horses tail monthy baths with a shampoo and conditioner. I use a people conditioner daily. Here is how to prep the spritz mixture:

    1. Put Aussie People Conditioner: moist in a soray bottle with have parts water.

    2. Shake spray bottle till conditioner is dissolved.

    3. Spray mane and tail daily and brush. With in a few days the tail will be slick and soft, and it wont be brittle, and break off.

    This has worked wonders for me and keep my horses manes and tails soft and shiny.

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