
Question about my job... I feel very uncomfortable...

by  |  earlier

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I work in a very small office, about 9-10 people. My problem is that I have very bad nasal allergies which cause me to sniffle sometimes. Im pretty insecure about it, so I try to not do it very often, but sometimes I have to. Im have tried many different kinds of allergy medications and none of them seem to work. Ok, so here's the problem. Two people in my office went to my boss and told them I was using drugs at my desk because they hear me sniffle sometimes. Also one of them said they see me get stuff out of my purse sometimes. When my boss told me this, I was appalled. I am proud to say that I have NEVER done any kind of illegal drugs in my 21 years of being alive. I explained to my boss that I sometimes get chapstick or gum out of purse and that was what my coworker had probably seen and that I have bad allergies. I even told my boss that she could check my desk and purse if she didnt believe me. She said that she believed me and then the topic was droped. However, in an office so small that likes to gossip anyways, I feel like everybody is gossipping about me and thinking that I am doing drugs at my desk and this makes me feel very uncomfortable and in the morning I dread coming into work, because I feel so uncomfortable. any advice on what I should do. I am looking for a new job, but havent had any good luck with that. This happened a week ago. Please help




  1. Like you are really going to sit there and do drugs at your desk. Speaking as the sister of a heroin addict who is a piece of****, I can honestly say even he would not do that.

    This just makes me feel so bad for you. I am trying to find a job and it is so hard. The last office I walked into, the 2 women who greeted me went into the next room and started giggling. I was wondering if I had something in MY nose. Catty women are everywhere. There was nothing wrong with me or my appearance. This office has gone through many staff members in the past 6 months-wonder why.

    Seriously, I have terrible sinus and allergy problems, so I can relate to you. I think you should look online for a GIANT size bottle of nasal spray and haul it into work with you and give it a name, like here is "Nasal Joe." That may shut those gossips up. I have worked with the same kind of people and they won't change.

    However, you do NOT have to stand for it. I would go to your boss and firmly say that you will under no circumstances be accused of doing drugs ever again. That is slander. It is not something you want people spreading about you. I would ask your boss to have a meeting or bring in people individually to put a stop to it now.

    Go into work with your head held high. You know you are not doing anything wrong. They should be ashamed of themselves.

    I hope you can find a new job soon. This place is not worth it!

    Take care of yourself.

  2. Why don't you ask your boss to make an announcement to the office that you are not taking drugs and to stop making a thing of it.

  3. I'm so sorry that you're the center of such cruel gossip.  Gossip is a form of bullying that makes the person feel castigated and possibly excluding them from activities and perhaps aiming to cause some discomfort.  I've been at the center of gossip and half-truths as well especially when in high school.  Perhaps you can talk with your boss about the tension that this behavior is causing.  Perhaps even approaching someone (by themselves as to lessen the chance of them teaming up) that is engaging in this gossip and mentioning that one has allergies and takes medication and has never done any type of illegal drugs (which I applaud :)  If it's extremely uncomfortable, perhaps apply to some temporary agencies just to keep working and not have a work gap on one's resume.

  4. Stuff like this happens in every office(unfortunately).  People get bored and start gossiping...just stay on task and do your job and it will all be forgotten.  Just take out your chapstick and anything else that you use when you first get to work and put it on your desk for all those gossipers to see....when they can't find anything else to say about you, they'll move on to another victim.

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