yesterday at work I had to lift something really heavy and my knee hurt immediately. I could barely walk on it for a few minutes. It hurt for about 10 minutes after and was very hard to walk on. Today I woke up and I didn't notice any pain so I went for my weekend run. I did about 7 miles and then my knee started hurting. I walked for a bit and tried to run again, but it hurt. So I walked a little more and then started running, but I could only go a short distance before it would start to hurt. I've got a marathon in about 2 weeks and I don't want to injure anything so I ended up walking about 2 miles back to my car with no problem.
I went home, took a shower and laid down for about an hour with an ice pack on it and took an 800mg ibuprofen. I seemed like it wasn't hurting, but when I got up I could barely walk. It doesn't hurt to put weight on, it seems like it hurts when I extend my leg straight when I walk. I put ice on it again a while later and it seemed like it started hurting again right after icing.
Anyone have any thoughts on what could have happened with my knee?