
Question about my knee?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday at work I had to lift something really heavy and my knee hurt immediately. I could barely walk on it for a few minutes. It hurt for about 10 minutes after and was very hard to walk on. Today I woke up and I didn't notice any pain so I went for my weekend run. I did about 7 miles and then my knee started hurting. I walked for a bit and tried to run again, but it hurt. So I walked a little more and then started running, but I could only go a short distance before it would start to hurt. I've got a marathon in about 2 weeks and I don't want to injure anything so I ended up walking about 2 miles back to my car with no problem.

I went home, took a shower and laid down for about an hour with an ice pack on it and took an 800mg ibuprofen. I seemed like it wasn't hurting, but when I got up I could barely walk. It doesn't hurt to put weight on, it seems like it hurts when I extend my leg straight when I walk. I put ice on it again a while later and it seemed like it started hurting again right after icing.

Anyone have any thoughts on what could have happened with my knee?




  1. It's runners knee (tendonitis in your patella) most likely. Does your knee grind when you run downhill and does it only hurt with activity? That's runners knee. That's what I have. Get patella bands for your knees and rest a week or two (which is annoying I know) or just jog everyday. That's what I did and my knees are fine now.  

  2. i have the same problem

    i went to the doctors and they said it was tendeides

    i don't really know how to spell it but you need to ice it and rest it

    it will get worse if you don't

    and it won't go away unless you take care of it

    i asked my track coach and she said that it is tendeides and so did my doctor

    also streach it

    i have had it for 2 years

  3. do you have any swelling? if so alternate the ice with heat.  This along with soaking in a tub, massage and stretching it should feel better but you may have hyper extended or perhaps torn a ligament which can take a long time to heal - I am not sure I would do a marathon on it, I guess that would depend on how much that event meant to me.  But you have two weeks you should attempt to get checked with your primary doctor and if he/she feels you need more examination then you can make a determination from there.  My knees hurt a lot when I work hard and don't stretch so it could be that simple but be careful knee injuries stink as I understand it.    Not worth never being able to run again  

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