
Question about my male kitty

by Guest44662  |  earlier

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My male cat 11 years old, has no fleas, nothing that shows up on his skin, I already took him to the vet and he gave me a shampoo that is for sensitive skin. The problem is... My cat has become sensitive on his back not near his head but lower down. The vet could find nothing wrong, but when I touch his back he turns his head quickly as if he was sensitive there, this started about 4 months ago. Any ideas?




  1. My personal answer would be he might have banged it or got a bruise or something. However, if you're not happy with the answer your vet gave you, I would go to see the vet again or see a different one or ring somewhere like a cats shelter that might be able to give you some experienced advice.

  2. Hi,

    Cats have sensitive spot all over their body. With your cat, it could be that he has suddenly developed sensitivity along his spine and dislike being touched. Another reason could be that your cat is suffering from Rippling Skin Disorder. "Rippling Skin Disorder" is a common name for a condition known technically as Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome (FHS), and it is characterized by a number of seemingly unrelated symptoms.

    Read more about it here:-

    Call your vet and ask him what he thinks about the possibility of this condition.

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