
Question about my mother in law?

by Guest66891  |  earlier

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My mother in law has always ignored me since I got married in 1997. Today, we go over to her house and she told my husband that my daughter's hair is not combed properly. This is so not true-she's got very curly hair but it's always brushed and styled neatly. I even got it professionally cut the other day. My husband didn't say anything back (which I know he should've defended me) and I didn't say anything either. If you do say something to her, she just says you're being too sensitive and it makes it worse. Everyone in the family lets her get away with it. Can you relate, do your in laws say nasty things to you also?




  1. When we got married, neither set of parents approved. Mine did not come to the wedding and  have not spoken to us in 42 yrs. Hers argued and fought at us until the day they died. MIL never said one nice thing to me in over 30 yrs. I would go pick her up to bring her to our house, or doctor, or whatever. If I drove the blue car, she bitched because I didn't bring the red car. If I drove the red car, she bitched that I didn't bring the blue car. I just laughed it off. When she was coming over, my wife &  kids & I would bet on what would be the first thing she would ***** about. We had fun with that. She was evil, wicked, mean, bad, and nasty. One time she really lit into me. When she finished, I said, "I don't really care what you think, I'm still f**cking your daughter." She was mean to everyone. She had no friends. At her funeral, there were only 2 non family people there. Don't let her rattle your cage. But, your husband should stand up for you. My wife was on my side from day one. And, I'm still f**cking her daughter. lol

  2. My husband's stepmom cannot stand me.....because I refuse to treat his daughter like she is 2 instead of 6 and can do no his stepmom treats her.  (Literally, I have seen this woman spoon feed this child while making airplane noises---at the age of 4!!!)  So yeah, I can totally relate to what you are talking about.  My MIL won't even come to my house though, and I am not allowed at hers...because unlike everyone else in the family, I don't just sit there and let her say whatever she wants.  If she says something that I KNOW is a bunch of BS, I call her out on it and she doesn't like that, because pretty much everyone else in the family bows down to her although for the life of me I can't figure out why!

  3. my mother in law is just like that,maybe worse,after 14 years i learned how to deal with her,if she made that comment about my daughters hair i would say something obsurd like,well i thought this hair style would look great with the tattoo shes getting tomorrow.and you can forget about your husband sticking up for you.they cant seem to stand up to their mommies,its up to you...

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