
Question about my p***s?

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I am 18 and my p***s is 6 3/4 inches long and 4 3/4 inches in girth. Is that large? Small? Average? The main thing I wonder about is the proportions between the lengh and girth. Is it too thin to be that long? Thanks.




  1. 5 inch length is the average worlds penise size as for the width 4 inches is a bit above average.

  2. your saying its almost 7 inches x almost 5 inches...if thats what i think..then wow thats weird

  3. Sounds about average, girth is about 5 inches average though, Im 14 and im 6 inches long and its 4.5 inches in girth and it seems thin to me so id say its kind of thin.

  4. its an average size p***s in length and slightly smaller than average on the girth

  5. high average for length ( average is 4-7), Average girth (average is 4.5-5.25)

    You are above average but not huge

  6. Dude

    no offence but seriously... Have you looked through other p***s questions? There are always these questions around stating I am such and such in length and so and so in girth. Why you or anyone else would feel the need to express your size etc on an open forum basically is beyond me. I could sit here and say I have a 2 inch p***s or a 10 inch p***s, but quite frankly, I can't be bothered cos I have far better things to worry or think about rather than my wang.

    Scroll thru a few other survey's or questions b4 asking is my p***s a nice size cos you're only askin or seeking attention!

  7. that is seriously perfect

    4 is average

  8. An average male has a 5 inch p***s with a three inch girth, astonishing isn't it? According to that you are a nice size, just over average. Trust me these other guys are lying about their size.

  9. Its pretty average.

  10. Hi Dear,

    Nothing to worry about it's average size.

    Your Friend,


  11. You are above average for the length, and slightly under average for the girth. Average is 6 in for the length and 5 in for the girth.

  12. yep your right it's a question about your p***s thanks for the 2 pts!

  13. small

  14. You are above average, but still not considered large. Average is 5-6 inches.

  15. You're's not the size of the dog in the fight, but rather the size of the fight in the dog...if you catch my drift...

  16. it is average the normal size that most males get to, but will grow more depending on your age, your 18 u have a couple more years till u stop growing but its probly going to grow a couple more inches u never know. i cant really answer the question about the proportion

  17. average

  18. That's fine for your age and length.  At 18, it's likely that you'll experience some thickening in the next few years.  It seems to be one of the last changes we experience.  Your're good to go.

  19. The cold hard facts as reported by Wikipedia by multiple p***s size reviewers found that the average length is about 5 1/2 inches and the average girth is 5 inches. So you are actually perfectly fine in every way for the length and girth of you p***s. However remember that the size of your d**k doesn't matter, you should just be content with your p***s for what it is because it's the only one you're going to have. Also remember that most guys add a few inches to their p***s length.

  20. Average length is about 6 or 6 1/2 inches, so you're just a little above.

  21. Statistically slightly longer than average length.  Don't take too much notice of surveys that rely on men's own measurements.  They tend to be rather generous when measuring  their own equipment.

  22. wait you actually measured it??? WOW! anyway sound normal, i mean average to me.

  23. length is slightly above average, girth is about average

    why worry about something you can do nothing about, if you are circumcised and would like to have more pleasure and easier more enjoyable s*x you should do f******n restoration

    I restored my f******n by stretching, the pleasure increases have been great, it's like it was naturally meant to be there, it was well worth the effort

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