
Question about my permit???..?

by  |  earlier

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i live in california. i just completed my driver ed online 2 days ago, and they're sending me a certifacte of completion in the mail and it should be here in a day or two. my question is,

do you get to have your permit while you take drivers training? like im going to sign up for training, but can i get my permit any day since ive finished the drivers education?

also, i know when i drive i have to have an adult in the car with me, but can i have like say, my mom and my little sister? or i cant have anyone else thats underage in the car?





  1. You can get your permit and begin lessons with anyone who has a license (and is willing to take the wrap for you if you get into an accident or anything else) as soon as you get your certificate. And yes you can have anyone in the car with you as long as the licensed individual (ie. your mom) is in the front passenger seat.

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