
Question about my p*nis?

by  |  earlier

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i am uncircumsised and i got a lil question.

im 14 and flaccid my p***s is about 3 inches and i can pull the f******n back all the way but it hurts a little.

erect im almost 6 inches but i can only pull it down half way on the head?

is this normal?if not what should i do




  1. your a little small, but that's average. and it sounds perfectly normal to me

  2. thats kinda small, and nice girls don't like f******n because when pulled back it's all warm moist and stinky and germy .. lil bacteria farms

  3. go to a doctor and ask what you should so about it and if you want to get it cut off

  4. normal do nothing

  5. yes totally natural when uncircumcised and the size of your p***s is very nice so don't worry

  6. wow, i thought i was alone!

    belive it or not thats a good thing.

    it means you havent hit puberty yet. That probably comes from eating organic foods and staying healthy. Teenagers should hit puberty at around 15 years old. but there are so many hormones in foods now, kids are hitting puberty at around 12. You are one of the few people who are healthy in this country.

    im 14 and mine is the same size...

    i know what ur talkin about

  7. Practise stretching exercises, do it during and after long warm baths. There are also creams that might help, and you can always try stuff like hand creams/moisturisers.

  8. it's totally normal dude so stop worrying about it okay.

  9. It's normal. Keep doing it and keep practicing. You'll get used to it and the skin will stretch and retract all the way.

    Don't listen to the morons who say you need to be circumcised. They're lying.

  10. Me too. You're fine dude, no problem here. It's okay, all normal on all counts.

  11. BURN IT.

  12. It's normal....

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