
Question about my rat?

by  |  earlier

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I took my rat out of her cage to run around a bit .. she started bouncing/running and chasing my hands around.. she is playing right?




  1. yeahh she is=]

  2. Yeah she's totally playing! Thats so cute, my rats do that too! Play back by making your hand act like another rat. Drag in along the floor and let her chase you, then let her catch you and just kinda wiggle your fingers around and let her wrestle a bit. Then you can chase her back by making your hand lightly pounce on her rump. This usually makes them leap up and run around and cute and adorable, or spin around and pounce on you right back! Its so fun to play with your rats like that!

  3. yes she is

  4. She is totally playing! This is the chase game that they all learn once they reach a certain age.  Basically if you ruffle their fur and scratch your hand along the carpet or couch, they will chase and tackle you.  They love it!

    But if you ever have boys they will sometimes hump your hand during this game so I assume it does have some sexual meaning.  Girls just do it for fun.

  5. yeah dude , mine dose , shes crazy , i love her

  6. Yes I had a rat called Max and he did this all the time....its really good for them so do it more often...x

  7. Yes she is playing don't worry about something being wrong with her. I know she means the world to you and you are just cautious about her actions but don't worry. She was just happy to see you and she was happy to get out of her cage. That's all :)

  8. no its probably wanting to mate

  9. yea

  10. oh yes she is!!! it's our version of "wrestling". try this....put your hand palm down and move your index finger, like you are creeping up on her. she will probably fake "attack" your hand and run away...just wait- she'll come back for more!!!

  11. oh ya mine does that too she just is having fun, i guess she just like to play tag. lol

  12. Awww, yes she is. I bet she'd love a friend to play with too. Rats are really social critters and they shouldn't be kept alone, so please get her a same s*x friend. They will be fun to watch when they play with each other.
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