
Question about my relationship?

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I have been going out with my girlfriend for 8 months now after we just took a short break cuz i was bored and i broke up with her. It was such a d**k thing to do and now that im with her again i no i love her but theres always been doubts in my mind. i have some good friends that are girls who i could probably go out with, but im really attached to my gf. i no theres a decent chance i could end up marrying her and im scared that ill be thinking what if all the time. any thoughts?




  1. what if what? I mean no relationship is perfect. If your not with her youll be with someone else thinking the same thing. Just try to be happy where you are and try to make it work and not looking for something better to come along.

  2. well if you took a break and got back with her then I don't think you should even be wondering what if. I think you should've explored that on the break but hey I took a break once and I wonder what if I hadn't all the time. I mean if you love her you are going to have what ifs but love outweighs that. Everyone thinks what if but its just a normal thing to wonder about..

  3. I've been in a relationship for two and a half years and for a while I had the same questions but as soon as I put all my effort and attention into the relationship I realized how lucky I was that he still wanted to be with me. And just look where we've gotten - two and a half years is pretty good and even though the infatuation has worn off I'd say that our relationship is better than it was in the beginning. In other words - give it your all and keep your focus on her. Eventually everything will fall into place and your "what if" questions will seem ridiculous and silly.

  4. Maybe your break wasn't long enough.

    You may love her, but are you IN love with her still ?

    I asked my BF for his opinion, because it's another guys perspective.

    And I agree with him.

    He said that you should take morre of a break to really think about what you want. Because if you really don't want it and aren't IN love anymore, and continue on with this, you'll just end up hurting her more and yourself. And since you know you love her, but maybe aren't in love, you shouldn't WANT to hurt her.

    Take another break, try dating another girl, or not DATING, but just go on A date.

    My friend had a girlfriend of 3 years, and they broke up because they were with eachother 24/7.

    They saw other people, and it made them realize how much they really loved eachother. They are now back together.

    Sometimes people just need a break.

    A renewal.

    If you don't want to do that, just think back to what made you love her, and be in love with her, the things that made you fall for her.

    & do those things over again.

    Go on a date, try to get the sparks flowing again.

    If not, maybe you guys just had a good run but aren't meant for eachother.

    Or, maybe the seeing other people thing will work.

    Good luck to you.

  5. If you took a break from her once, then you must have doubts. You're attached because she's the only one you've been comfortable with for awhile. I say that if you are thinking of marriage, then she's the one you want. Every relationship has it's ups and downs. You have to take the good with the bad. For richer or poorer, etc. If she's the one, then you will know it.  

  6. Well I feel like the issue now with you is that you're not making a mental commitment to her. You're with her and you care about her, but you're always doubting yourself and thinking "what if." If you want to have a better outlook on your relationship, then commit yourself fully to making it the best relationship it can be. So rather than thinking about what you "could have," start thinking about what you "do have," and put your effort into that. Good luck man.

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