
Question about my son

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OK so , my son is 6 months old, He is interested in everything but most of all he is interested in things that he CANT have. I have a corner of my living room with my computer blocked off but he always seems to still get up underneath it. I dont want to swat him on the butt or on the hand but is there any ways of teaching a 6 month old no. I feel he is to young to be swatted or anything and definatly to young for time out, I dont think he would understand what is going on or why he is being punished.. so IS this something i just deal with the way i am now ( i watch to make sure he's not where he shouldn't be and when he starts i pull him away ( see he crieds for like 20 minutes when i put him somewhere new or take something away that he cant have) oh and yes he crawls. So any advice? If you understand this question at all? He wont play in his play pen he just lays there and cries and it tears my heart out so i put him on the floor but he's not into his toys ( which he has thousands of)




  1. Do you own baby toys?

  2. At this point, he understands the concept of 'no' but not why he can't do something.

    Your best bet would be to truly proof the room and get items that are 'no-no's out of reach.  If he's still able to get to the computer, then it's not blocked off well enough.

    When you redirect him or take something away that he shouldn't have, replace the item with something that's okay to play with.

  3. A 6 month old has NO idea of 'no'. He only hears anger or sharpeness in your voice and that will frighten him...

    Distraction, distraction, distraction!

    And baby-proof....Wait till they are 11 months, 16 months, two years!

    I'd recommend Dr Sears' 'The discipline book'. Fantastic read.

  4. He's going to go over there whether you tell him no or not, so you just need to find a new place for you computer or find a better way to block it off.  I've moved everything that could be dangerous out of my daughters reach.  Now that she's older (14 months old) she does listen sometimes when I tell her no, but she'll usually go for the stuff that's off limits anyway.

  5. At 6 months the best discipline you can do for your little one is to just immediately remove your baby from the mischief that he's into without alarming him, jusgt give him loving kindness and a hug and kiss, and mommy play time and then followed by giving some of his own toys to distract him. He doesn't need to be made aware of wrong/right behaviour at this age, as you figured out for yourself already. So just love and redirection works.

    Also, if you don't want him near your computer, don't spend time on it, in his presence, because that just motivates him to want to gravitate to that area. (at this point he's gravitating to you, more than to the computer itself. Also set up a "distraction center" near the area that is part of the "blockage system" to your computer, so that he'll want to occupy himself with those distractions instead of continuing on towards your computer.

    Hope this helps.

    Good Luck

  6. A 6 month old is too young to be disciplined.

    Try keeping him occupied with other things or move the computer to a room you don't spend so much time in. He is exploring, that's what babies do and how they learn.

    If you can't move the computer every time he goes to it you will have to go pick him up and move him elsewhere, maybe offer a toy to distract him

  7. Baby proof the area as best as you can and supervise him. When you can't watch him confine him in a playpen or a safe area. You can't tell a 6 month old no. They are curious about everything and don't understand that some things are dangerous or out of bounds. He'll learn this as he gets older and it will probably make it all the more appealing :)

  8. You CAN teach a 6 month old no. I did swat my son on the diaper at that age but there was absolutely no pain associated with the swat. It was merely a pop to get his attention with noise. It worked well for me but everybody had kids with different temperments. good luck!

  9. He is exploring and that is wonderful.  Just keep redirecting him to another activity or area.  When he does try to go over there tell him "that's not for you" or "that's owies" and physically put him back where you want him to be.  I would also say that it might be a good time to invest in like an excersaucer or jumperoo or something to keep him busy and out of harms way.  You could also try to get out other things he normally cannot have or play with such as pots, pans, large serving spoons, spatulas, etc and see if he those keep him occupied for a while.  Good Luck.
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