
Question about my touched up tattoo?

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I got my tattoo touched up about 3 days ago. I lost a lot of ink the first time, it was really patchy looking and there was one spot that was almost the color of my skin. When the scab came off, so did a lot of the ink. I didn't really do anything wrong, the tattoo "cracked" a bit the first time too. So, I got this tattoo touched up and it looks alright so far, scabbing a bit but I've been treating it with a thin layer of aquaphor. I'm just worried about it loosing all the ink again when it heals. I switched ointments. I used A&D the first time, and now a month later after my touch up I'm using aquaphor. I like aquaphor better. Anyway, I'm just worried about losing ink, so what are my chances of it happening again? Is it likely? Do I just worry too much?




  1. Chances are this touch up will take care of it. Unfortunately, no tattoo will look as good as it did when you first got it done.

    Most artists are pretty reasonable about getting a second touch up if need be.

    Lubriderm lotion works just as well for scabbing.  

  2. its normal for tattoos to scab, part of the healing process..

    suprising as it is, a lot of people loose colour the first time round, but thats what touch ups are for.

    the best thing u can do, is keep it moist with cream, id use bepanthen and for the first few days put glad wrap on it.. the longer the glad wrap is on the faster it will heal.

    try not to exercise so u sweat while its healing, as this takes the colour out of your skin.. as long as u do this u should be fine.. some people have to go back 3 times for touch ups, its normal. :)

    my mums a tattoo artist, so if u need more help, let me know :)


  3. if its scabbing dont worry becuz thats what tattoos do when you first get em, i was worried too when i my tattoo started scabbing but when it heals it will be fine, its just scabbing becuz the needle was goin in your skin so its goin thru healing. BUt just keep on putting on the ointment and everything should be fine, and try not 2 keep your tat in the sun for a long period of time.

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