
Question about my weight??

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currently i am 5'6.5 and 125 pounds...i don't hate my body..but ive just lose 15 pounds and I'm striving for that "amazing body" much more weight should i lose to look great?? btw..I'm 16 and i exercise about 3-4 times a week.




  1. 5'6.5, 125lbs is rather skinny side in the US. I think many guys think your body is ideal. Your height is perfect to me! Am 5'4, 107lbs. Kinda similar body size to yours, I guess. You can wear anything, right? If you lost 15lbs, your size would be a size XS or spite of your ideal height. As you know, it is hard to find XS or smaller size in the US. If you really want to lose weight, try only 8lbs first. Do not forget you do not need extreme diet!!

  2. It's true, you don't need to loose any more weight. I can almost promise you that! :)

  3. You are the ideal weight. You don't need to weigh less. I am 5'6 and I weigh 136lbs. So get over yourself and stop complaining when you don't have anything to complain about!

  4. hmm, well I think you're weight is alright for your age, it doesnt really matter though...

    What does matter is how toned your muscles are, if you're more toned then you might have more muscle weight than you would anticipate.

    If you really think weight is such a big deal, then lose 5-10 more pounds and you'd at least "sound" attractive...

  5. o dont worry abt that ur good

  6. wow we are very much alike! except im 5'7 and i weigh 120

    well the guy below me is right some of it is muscle.

    i would know cause i work out about 4 times a week. i play competitiv soccer. but ya, starting to eat healthier for school lunch, cut back on all junk food. and just drink ALOTof water. soon you'll see improvement. my goal is 110.

    but since we work out so much it prob. wont help cause all the fat will soon turn into muscle.

  7. that sounds perfect to me and if u did wont to lose weight dont go below 115 u would look flat no offence

  8. ok You are the IDEAL body weight, You don't need to lose any more weight. For your height, anyone would love to be your weight. But what you need to do is try to stay at about that weight. make sure you are getting the nutrients that you need for your body. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Try to eat about 5-6 servings of grains as well. Grains give us the energy and most of the nutrients that we need. don't increase your exercise but do more when you exercise. try to go running, and lift weights as well. Yes i'm female and I lift weights. work out your abs by doing crunches or sit-ups. It will help I promise.

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