
Question about my wife's period?

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My wife has a great deal of pain associated with her period. Serious cramping and fatigue that truly impacts her life and even makes it difficult for her to go to work for a few of the days every month. My wife has almost a week of premenstrual discomfort, a week of serious cramping, fatigue, and bleeding, and then literally another week just to recover. So instead of the idea that her period lasts one-week a month, it is almost like my wife only feels herself one-week a month. Are there any women out there that go through similar stages? My wife has been to doctors over this but they have told her that it is just her body and her cycle... they prescribe some serious pain killers but I hate her to take narcotics just so she can function. Bonus Question: Have any of you tried those drugs that claim to limit your periods to like 4 a year? Do they work, are your fewer periods worse because of the pills, the side effects sound really scary to us.... Thank you all for advise or input.




  1. dont bother its just irregularities like whats the doctors say

  2. I know from personal experience how debilitating this situation can be. Your wife should be with a gynecologist. If she is seeing a gynecologist and they told her it was just the way her  cycle is, then find a new dr asap! The symptoms she is suffering through can be helped. There are many different types of hormones from a low dose birth control to the shots or pills that stop your period. I would advise her to get a complete work up from a reliable gynecologist and get on some hormones. From my experience it will probably be necessary for her to take the more potent, longer-lasting type. If this is the Dr's recommendation, Iwould definitely take the pills as opposed to the longer acting shots. I had side effects from the shot which I was stuck with until it wore off 3 months later! But, that's just me. If her pain is severe she may end up eventually being diagnosed with endometriosis, which was my  diagnosis after many years of suffering. It is tough to diagnose as it can only be confirmed through surgery and direct visualization & biopsy. The long and the short of it that she shouldn't have to suffer for 3 weeks out of a month. With proper diagnosis and treatment she can get to a place of comfort and control. I wish you both luck!

  3. This like that happens to a lot of women's, some times it depends on how early  or late she started  her period.And also it comes from   family background. have your wife check with another Doctor to see if she has an Hymen-Ruptured, this to can cause a lot's of pain and maybe if you are not awere of this  problem that often happen to some women with out knowing. I hope this help a little and  i hope your wife feel better. God bless!  

  4. i was like that before i got pregnant. my periods caused me to pass out and be sick they were that painful and for at least a few days a month i couldnt do anything at all. once i had my son they calmed down alot but i am now on the merina coil and they almost stop your periods all together for 5years. i'd recomend talking to your doctor about mayb gettig one

  5. unfortunatly just like the doctor says thats just how her perods are and i wouldn't risk taking those drugs, if the side affects are that bad. hope this helps a little.

  6. If you aren't trying to conceive then why doesn't she go on birth control? It will make her periods shorter and lighter with less cramping. When birth control originally came out it was supposed to stop a woman's periods completely. Women felt more at ease when they went off the pill for a week to have their period. I would prefer not to have it at all! I don't know of any women who took drugs to limit periods to 4 per year, sorry!

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