
Question about neighbors german shepard and my fence.?

by  |  earlier

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my neighbor has a german shepard which is constantly jumping at the fence to get at us. when she jumps at it you can literally see the dogs head, front paws, and abdomen. when ever it jumps at the fence it is constantly cracking and ever since they got the dog they fence has aged a lot faster. im am afraid of my childrens safty in the yard when the dog is out. what can i do to fix this problem. should i call some one or something.theres no way that my neighbor will fix this problem because they dont really care about their neibors just them. what can i do. thank you a lot for your help. 10 points will be awarded.




  1. Call the humaine society!

  2. Their dog is destroying your property and they should be responsible for any and all repairs.  You may have to take them to court.

    Talk to them first.  Let them know your concerns.  If you can't get anywhere, you should make a police report and may have to take it to court.

  3. I own 3 GS myself and I am here to tell you they are great dogs but they will clear a  6 ft fence flat footed if they want.  It could be as simple as a attention problem (maybe he's wanting to come over and play) or it could be as worse as aggression.  I would try to talk to your neighbors at least 3 times about what it going on. If nothing was done then I would send a certified letter to them about what action needs to be completed. Ex Fixing fence, controlling dog, obedience training (ask for certifications and medical records), etc...just suggest!  Keep all records, and have witnesses.  This is for your protection and other neighbors.  If you have a HOA, go to them next.  If nothing happens then go to the city or county officials.  Try to not correct the dog, no spraying of water hoses, yelling or anything this will only ag him on....just ignore to see if that might help.  Exhaust all your options, maybe you can schedule times with your neighbors for when your out and the dog is out, to not meet.  Since there used to be trees there, maybe you could plant some fast, tall growing pines, myrtles, fruit trees etc.  That could buffer the sound and dog.  Hope this helped, Good Luck

  4. First, try talking to them.  You never know, maybe they don't realize the problem is as bad as it is.

    Bring baked goods.  Everyone loves baked goods.

    Next, you have a few options.

    ~You can train the dog to avoid the fence when your out by using a loud noise.  Air horns work well.  Go to a sports store, they're not expensive.  Everytime the dog jumps at the fence, blow the horn.  

    The noise is ear shattering.  She'll learn quick not to go near the fence while your out.

    Optional:  When the dog is quiet, throw treats into the yard.  Don't make a big deal, and try not to let her see you do it or she'll beg.  She may make the association that quiet brings food.

    ~Build your own fence, or plant shubbery so that the dog can't see you.  If you put in your own fence, you can be sure it's safe.

    ~Video tape the dog and the unsafe fence.

    Call the authorities.

    NOTE:  You'll need to call the police and animal control several times before someone comes out to deal with the problem.  Make several calls a day.  Get your neighbors to report the nuisance dog too.

    You won't get any help/attention without being a pest about it.

  5. i would talk to the dog owner first then ask the city how high a fence you can build. maybe the dog owner would help with the cost of the fence rather than leash the dog in his own yard. this could be a major liability for him if the dog gets over the fence and bites the kids. the cost of the fence would be peanuts compared to his increased homeowners insurance cost.  

  6. Talk to the neighbors about your concern, and work out a way to either replace the fence with a larger one, or to increase it's height some-how. Just be honest about the safety concern with your children, and see what they have to say.

  7. my dog did this to my neighbor , but he got to my dogs good side and feed him treats for only about 1-2 weeks and stopped now he barley jumps and like's my neighbor


    you have dog's yourself causing him to jump or stand along the fence ..

  8. call the police and your insurance company.

  9. A fence between properties belong to both properties.  See what you can do to repair your side of it.  You can even put up another fence along the side of it on your side.  But, the ideal situation would be for you and your neighbor to each pay half to have a new fence put up.

    You can always repair your side.  

    The neighbor west of me put up a 8' cedar fence just on his side of an existing horse wire fence, so there are two fences between him & I.

  10. Make the fence more stable ...2by foures 2 by six etc..cause if the dog wanted to come over he could...just trying to help...

  11. Is it your fence yours or theirs? If it is yours, I would talk to them about your concern. If it is theirs, you really can't do anything about it. You can nicely tell them of your concern for the safety of your family. If they are nice people they will understand and try to do something about it. Whatever you do, don't be snippy with them, you will make things worse. Just be nice and tell them your concerns

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