
Question about opk's did we do it too soon?

by Guest58466  |  earlier

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Hi, my hubby and I are ttc after a m/c in May. I have been using the clearblue digital opk. My husband is in the military, so we can't always take advantage of the best days to conceive. I went to visit him this weekend, and we bd'd yesterday morning. I didn't bring my opk with me, so I wasnt

able to test until about midnight last night. I got a + opk. I also tested again this afternoon and got another +. Anyway, my question is, do you think we did it too soon? Is it still possible for us to maybe have a shot at a bfp this month?




  1. YES!! Girl, you have a good chance. Sperm can live inside you for about 2 days. Plus it is almost better to BD before you O so the sperm are waiting there for your egg. Sounds like you guys hit it right on~~~GL and Baby Dust to you!!!

  2. You definitely have a shot! Sperm can live in the v****a for a few days! I was in a similar situation, my husband travels for work so we were forced to work with the days we had and keep our fingers crossed!! We got pregnant really quickly, trying our best to bd as often as possible from days 10 to 20 in my cycle. Even though we'd missed the "best days" (13 to 17) I still ended up pregnant!! Good luck!!

  3. It is absolutely possible! It is actually better to ttc just before you ovulate due to the sperm life being up to 3 days. That is the sperms whole life being is to be released and wait for that egg to drop. It sounds in your case they were safe and sound just waiting to attack. Actually if you wait to long you can actually be too late to catch that moment. Good job lol and good luck. P.S. Blessings to your husband, any man in the military defending our country deserves a healthy bouncing baby to pass his genes along too.

  4. a couple of days before ovulations should be okay sperm can live 2-5 days inside a women

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