
Question about ovulation...?

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If I have a regular 28-day cycle, is it possible I could be ovulating on cd 17 or cd 18?




  1. Sign up at  There is tons on info there.  It is possible for you to ovulate that late.  I ovulate on day 18 or 19, but I'm on a 34 day cycle.  If you are on a 28 day cycle I would think that would be the absolute lastest you would ovulate.  The egg needs at least 10 days to fertalize and implant.

  2. you should ovulate around cd 14

  3. depending on when you start your period, count 14 days from that day.. If you really want to get pregnant have s*x on the 12,13,14,15,16,17 days as much as you can. Ovulation can really happen anytime around the 14th day.. if you havent been tracking it regualerly or have a ovulation monitor, then I would say have s*x on all of those days just to be sure you catch it since ovulation only occurs for 12-24 hours. Goodluck

  4. it's possible that you ovulate a bit later on your cycle even if they're regular, if that's the case talk to your doctor cause they could help you strengthen the maturity of your eggs, you can also ask a doctor online for free for advice, try the website FertilityTies

    good luck!!

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