
Question about paying back a debt to IC systems (collection company)?

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I would go into detail how i got into this debt (paypal + ebay + buyers trying to scam me into there money back + paypal sucks)

Anyway I choose just to pay the debt of 2000 dollars after the collection company called me.

They said if I pay it, it won't appear on my credit report.

Anyway they set up autodraft on my bank account (about 200 bucks a month) since either april or may.. and she made me write in my check book of all the dates..

Anyway, the last payment she told me would be in august.

But that does not add up to 2000... maybe half that.

So what I am asking, once I pay that last payment, will my total debt be excused? Did paypal just sell the debt for half the price and that is what they are collecting? My credit report says th debt is 2000.

Please help b/c I don't feel like calling that **** place.




  1. You should always get settlement agreements in writing. You should call them and see exactly what the duration monthly payments is. Paypal probably sold the debt for seriously less than what was owed. But the collection agency is going to aim for the whole amount.

  2. oh you dont feel like calling that place? your gonna have to. She probaly meant aug 09. call them and find out how long and if your doing a settlement.

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