
Question about paying her?

by  |  earlier

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I recently hired a young lifeguard (she's 19) as a private swimming teacher for my two girls. I called the YMCA with interest and she called.

She comes to my dads's home (we don't have a pool, so we go there) and each girl has a half hour lesson. The rate is only $10/half hour, so it's $20, but I usually give her $25 because she's great.

My question: If we set up a lesson, and when we get there, it's storming and we have to cancel, how should I handle that?

I mean, gas is $4 a gallon and it's a waste of gas and time for her. Granted, it's not the hour that the lesson would have been since she lives about 10 minutes away, but still.

Should I pay her the $20 for the hour even though she's only wasted maybe 20 minutes? Or should I just give her a little money (like $5) for gas? Or do I not give her anything at all?

I don't think she expects anything, but I feel bad if she wastes any time or gas and then doesn't get paid.

What do you all think?




  1. i would give her maybe like $20 for her willing you give you her time and effort. but you will do whatever you feel is the right thing to do. i just wanted to say that you sound like such a really wonderful person.

  2. discuss these situations with the lifeguard BEFORE hiring her.  write up a contract and this will prevent any question about payment or bed weather days.

  3. watch the forecast, and if it says it's going to rain call and reschedule for another day. It's easy and less strain on everyone involved

  4. Can't you just call and cancel instead of having her drive out? I mean if you know it is storming or pretty close to a storm?

  5. i would pay her, i think if you can afford private lessons she probly needs the money more than you do, good for you though asking!

  6. If you know the weather is going to be stormy and cancel at least 24 hours in advance, then you're fine.  However, once she shows up, she's cleared that hour of time in her schedule and it's too late for her to get it back so you should pay her.

  7. give her gas money and an apology, thats all

  8. If you have a contract where she is to be paid if she shows up then you HAVE to pay her that's the LAW.  If you have a contract that eliminates days the weather is bad then you don't have to pay her.  If this is just an oral agreement I would at least pay her half and next time put EVERYTHING in writing.

  9. gas money and tell her your sorry about the raining and how she had to waste her time and money

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