
Question about peony bush?

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Now that the blossoms are gone,I want to trim my peony bush back to keep it small for my small garden plot.When is a good time to do this,and what is the proceedure? I live in Massachusetts.Thanks




  1. Right now, take off the old flower heads,  Let the leaves grow to nourish the plant until mid-september.  Then you can cut it back.  It is best to just let the leaves die naturally though.  If you want to take a few leaves off now, go ahead- just don't take more than a few.

  2. Remove the spent flowers now, but try not to trim off any leaves, or you'll be reducing future flower production.  Good flower production depends on the plant having enough energy, and the leaves from the previous growing season are the source of that energy.

  3. anytime, now works, or even later in the summer. trim off the dead flowers (and their stalks) and any foliage stalks that you don't want.


    deadhead, yes... wait till fall and frost to cut back the leaves...just like bulbs, the leaves are making food for the roots to store for the next year's growth....

  5. Wait till September to prune it.  Here's how:

    Step1- Trim all dead blooms off of the bush to help spur new growth.

    Step 2- Cut all the yellowing or brown leaves off the peony bush.

    Step 3- Prune the bush back to winterize in late September to early October.

    Step 4- Trim the stems back to almost ground level when winterizing. These stems will not bloom again whether you remove them or not, so it is best to remove them. The peony bush will produce new stems in the following spring.

    Step 5- Remove all dead blooms, leaves and stems from your garden after cutting. Do not use peonies for compost.

    They'll be beautiful next year!! :)

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