
Question about period. More details-please ans.!?

by  |  earlier

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Well I had my baby on May 26. I had lochia for about 2 weeks. With no period since. I went to the Dr. and got a prescription to help bring the "flow". The next day after I finished the prescription I got my period-which was Sat. I was also began the patch(ortho evra) for the first time. Towards the evening on Sun. I began getting painful cramps that last throughout the night. I even woke up and started crying, thats how bad they hurt. I hardly had bad cramps prior to this. Now there is also a heavier flow.

Could It be from the patch or my period returning? IDK. Has this happened to anyone.

Im calling the Dr. too. Thanks for your answers.!




  1. I have never been on the patch so that part I am not sure about but I know after I had both of my kids, my period came back VERY painful.  My cramps were 5 times worse for my first 2-3 periods after each of my kids were born.  I was def talk to your dr about it though cause it could be something worse than that. Just to be on the safe side.

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