
Question about personal LSD use?

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I have tripped on LSD twice. The first time I took one tab and the second time I took two. Both of these times I had a ton of fun, got good visuals, and was laughing my *** off. But the next time I trip I would like to have some sort of religious/mystical experience, one which I have yet to have. If I take more LSD next time is this more likely to happen? Or am I just better off sticking with the two tabs and seeing what happens?




  1. take just the 2. there is no need to make yourself sick by taking more than you need. the religious/mystical experience will come if you are ready from deep in your soul. you will see what needs to be seen if it was ment to be. things like that dont "just happen". they only occur if the person is ready and/or deserving from whatever they feel that their "god" is.  good luck

  2. It has mostly to do with the atmosphere and the setting you have created.It can go allmost the way you set up your surrondings and more tabs mean the chance of getting lost in the trip remember it is said LSD is the key to the universe but the universe is a big place you could get lost.

  3. You can take 20 hits and have nothing eye opening or mystical happen, on the flip side you can take 3 or 4 and have the opposite happen. Something needs to happened or be learned for that to happen, they just won't happen because you take a bunch more acid.

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