
Question about piercings. ?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I'm really considering and industrial piercing. I think its wayyy cute. Anyway, I'm not one of those people asking IF its gonna hurt. I know its gonna hurt but I wanna know how much. I have the right side of my lip pierced and I was really surprised about how virtually painless it really was. I was expecting excruciating pain and it was just a little bit of pain. I kinda have low tolerance for pain so just be honest with me, how much does it hurt?

for those of you who dont know what an industrial piercing is.....




  1. it may hurt a little bit because cartilage is very tough and the industrial piercing is a bigger size hole. and they also have to make 2 holes in the cartilage. you may also hear a pop when the needle goes through.

  2. I have heard from 13-70 dollars. Mine cost 21.30 with tax but there was no after care or tip but jewelry was included. Another place would do it for 40 with jewelry included plus another piercing for free and aftercare was included too (tax excluded). I heard from a friend he did it for 13 somewhere, but I don't know where.

    Or do you mean how much pain? Mine hurt quite a bit, but it was my first piercing. Sea salt soaks and advil make it better, but it still hurts if I sleep on it, get my hair caught on it, or put my phone up to that ear. It's only been a week. Trying to clean it hurts a lot unless I am doing a sea salt soak.  

  3. It doesn't hurt that bad when you get it pierced. If you have your lip pierced, you'll be fine. It does hurt worse when it's healing, since industrials tend to make your ear sore and red.  

  4. I thought it was going to hurt too..

    It really doesn't

    It just bleeds a lot after its done.  

  5. I actually got one done about 3 weeks ago. mine is at a 14g and this was my xperience. im very good w/pain, my peircing was a bit on the painful side. after about 20 mins, it was killing me. i didnt sleep the nxt 2 nights or so bcz of the pain. after it stopped hurting 4 no reason: 4-5 days, it was bearable. but i move alot when i sleep so wen ever i turned 2 tht side in my sleep, instant horrible pain and id b up 4 about an hour or so and repeat the process over again. at 3 weeks i can sumwhat sleep on it now if i move it around just right, but it still hurts. i paid $30 for mine which is y i kept it but if it was cheaper i woulda been done the VERY 1st night. its deff a *****, but i dig mine.

  6. pinch ur cartilage with ur nails as hard as u can. it feels like that plus a little more but only for half a second then the other one for half a second then ur done

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