
Question about piloting oppurtunities.?

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Im in 10th grade and i am going to be taking IB classes next year. I decided to be a pilot and i am taking the following classes:

High level physics

A1 english

standard level math


I was just wondering, i am Jordanian (with a palestinian yellow card) and i was wondering if i can work as a pilot in other countries like the US. I want to work as a military pilot, so would i have to get the american passport or something like that? Also, i dont HAVE to go to the US, i can go to Europe too. But i dont know about the job oppurtunities.





    When people think of flying, fixed-wing aircraft usually come to mind. However, helicopters also have their place in the sky. Helicopter pilots serve in the military, serve law enforcement, provide rescue operations and work for news agencies. Many helicopter pilots were trained in the military but others took a different course.

    Age Requirements to Become a Military Pilot

    Each of the services have different age requirements to become a pilot or navigator.

    Navy and Marine Corps.

    To become a Naval or Marine Corps Aviator, you must be between the ages of 19 and 26 at the time you enter flight training. Adjustments (waivers) can be made up to 24 months for those with prior service, and up to 48 months for those already in the military at the time of application.

    Air Force

    Must meet a selection board before age 28 1/2. Must enter Undergraduate Flying Training (UPT) before age 30.

    Army (Rotary Wing)

    Must not have reached the 29th birthday as of the date of the convening board. Must not have reached the 30th birthday as of the date entered flight training.

    Coast Guard

    The Coast Guard does not accept pilot applications, unless the person has already been a military pilot in a different service. To apply, one must be over 21 and under 32 years of age, must have at least 500 hours as a rated military pilot, and must have full-time flying experience within two years of the application.

    Step 1:

    Go for a helicopter ride to make sure you enjoy it. Flying in a helicopter is very different from flying in a fixed-wing aircraft.

    Step 2:

    Research helicopter flight schools. Find out where they are and how much the required number of flight hours will cost.

    Step 3:

    Check basic eligibility requirements including age, the ability to read, speak and understand English, medical and licensing requirements.

    Step 4:

    Get your Private Helicopter License first. This license will require written, oral and flight tests.

    Step 5:

    Work toward your Commercial Rotorcraft License. This FAA certificate is required to be a professional helicopter pilot. The private license will allow you to fly but not to take paying passengers.

    Step 6:

    Ensure you have all required ratings. Many helicopter pilots get their Certified Flight Instructor credentials as well as instrument ratings. These credentials are not always required but may be needed for some jobs.

    Step 7:

    Fly the required number of hours. Getting the job often depends on having enough flight hours. Requirements vary. Flying Emergency Medical Services requires more hours than taking aerial photography.

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