
Question about pond liners.?

by Guest57851  |  earlier

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I have 35 acres and am interested in making a fairly large pond. I'm thinking roughly 50' by 30'. I don't want to have to buy an expensive liner or clay to line the bottom, and I was wondering if I could just lay tarps along the bottom. I would cover them up with dirt, and then fill it with water. Does anyone know if this would hold water and last a long time? I don't want to have to replace it all the time. Any advice would help. Thank you.




  1. I think you must discuss with pond expert, because the pond you want large dimension. a lot of aspect for this case


  2. My gran used a large plastic sheet and because it isn't exposed to direct sunlight it lasted for a couple of years until she moved. I'm sure tarps will do. If you don't have a wide piece make a mote with an island in the centre.

  3. A 45mil pond liner will run you about .80 to 1.00 per square foot. Although you may find it a little less expensive depending on where you are. (About $1500.00 to $1800.00).

    A liner will be the best way to go. The other materials will degrade rather quickly, and you will be repacing it year after year.

    Plus seaming tarps (Unless you can find a 30x50) won't give you a great seal.

    Although you can try Black Poly sheeting, make sure it's thick enough. And it might last a few years. Once you have cleared the pond, place the sheeting down and I would cover with sand to protect it. Again, it won't last forever but it's inexpensive. I put a few links below.

    If you want to do it right, you can talk to a pond professional or visit a professional landscape supply company like John Deere Landscapes.

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