
Question about pool instruction?

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If you were to seek out formal instruction, what qualities and qualifications would you want in a teacher? What expectations would you have? What would you hope to accomplish? I get to work with all types of students and I'm always looking for feedback so I can continue to improve as a teacher. M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.




  1. d0nt ask me n e thing i dont kn0...

  2. The Kinister tapes are really good......go to the tournaments and just watch the players and just ask questions......I will be 60 this year and I have always followed a saying but backwards......"you can't teach an old dog new tricks" follow that and you will be just that "an old dog with no tricks" have to learn new tricks......always look and see what they are doing and ask how they did it or what they would have done.......if you are really serious play like you are playing the best player in the house each and every time you play ....always stay focused 3 balls ahead....each and every time you make a ball......and just "keep it simple stupid" your approach to the game......"pretty boy shots" only come up once a year and only for that one game so don't worry about those shots......GOOD LUCK ON THE TOUR!...I will be expecting my 1% on the first of each month!!

  3. I'd seek out Bert Kinnister (sp.?).  Check out his tapes, if you haven't already; they can't help but improve you as a teacher.  Sorry not to give any actual examples.

  4. Obvioulsy my first expectation would be that you know what you're talking about, and have experience, and are actually any good.  Having references from other students, or info about awards/trophies/tournaments you've won would help.  The biggest quality I think you need to be a teacher is patience.  Not everyone catches on right away, or learns the same way.  Being able to use manydifferent techniques or instruction in order to teach a skill is important.  If I was going to seek out an instructor (and I probably should!) I would expect to be given a set of objectives and an idea of how long each one should take to learn, and how to build upon each new skill so I could chart my progress.  Hope this helps!

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