
Question about population control (details inside)?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think a worldwide attempt to control population growth will eventually result in the loss of family values? By this I mean, don't you think that people in general will eventually view childbirth and children as extra baggage as opposed to making them the priority and wholeheartedly trying to nurture them and mold them into fine, upstanding individuals?

Don't get me wrong; I want very much for people to start controlling population growth because it's bad for the economy and for the planet. I just want to know if what I mentioned above might be a ramification of such an attempt.

Other possible implications of population control would be helpful. Thanks in advance. :)




  1. just do the math on the population growth, we are headed for disaster  pollution of air, water and land, few will survive.  All of our morals and love will vanish, it will be terrible

  2. I am seeing the opposite. When you have less, you value it/them more. Individuals are now more capable of steering their children into activities they are interested in, pay for classes that develop them in areas of interest and are more able to afford advanced education. I can appreciate your viewpoint but if you think of the larger families in the past, they were fortunate if they had 3 meals a day, let alone advanced education and extra curricular pursuits.

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