
Question about possible pregnancy??!?help!?

by  |  earlier

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my best friend has a situation, she blacked out yesterday and when she got up she blacked out and passed out on the floor again. she feels very exhausted and sick etc. she had unprotected s*x just 3 weeks ago and last period was 23rd of july.she took a pregnancy test today and it was negative? should she do one again..what do you think the out come is??? xx




  1. I'd wait untill her period is due and tell her to do another home test but get a good brand and a pack of two like clear blue or first response and to do it first thing on a morning, otherwise she could go to the doctors or your local family planning clinic and they will do a test for free.

    Good luck

  2. I can't tell you if she is pregnant or not, but I can tell you that if she passed out twice in a row, she should have immediately been taken to the emergency room to be checked.  A doctor there could tell her what's going on.  I don't normally encourage trips to the hospital, but in that case, it certainly would be warranted.  People don't generally just pass out for no reason, particularly twice in a row.  

  3. i think she should maybe go the doctors, passing out could be down to a numer of things none of them good. The doctor will probably also do a pregnancy test but if it  makes her feel better she could do another one. i know that sometimes the tests come up negative eventhough you are pregnant. whatever she should not ignore it and get on it asap. good luck

  4. If she has a 30 day cycle or a cycle that is irregular, then she could be pregnant and tested too early.  She should see a dr about the situation, no matter if she is pregnant or not.  Blacking out and passing out like that aren't a good thing especially if she is pregnant!

  5. wel im guessind her period is due anytime now if she has regular periods

    i think she should do another test the day her period is due

  6. Maybe, but she might have something else wrong if she's blacking out. I would get to the doctors asap to be checked to be on the safe side.

  7. It could be pregnancy but it could also be a number of other reasons.  has she missed a period yet?  it may be too early for a conventional test to read the hormones.  my advice would be go to the docs and get them to test. at least she wont waste money on another test and if the docs test is negative then they can look at other posibilities as to why she fainted.

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