
Question about potty training?

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I've been potty training dd for the past couple of months. She's going to be 20 months in a 4 days.

She asks to go once in a while, but mostly I pick up on her signals and take her before she does it. We have a few accidents every day though.

We're planning on going on a trip for just a couple of days. Do you think this will set her back? Any ideas on how to make it easier? We're going to be out a lot so I can't have her in her underwear with no diapers like at home. And I don't think it's a good idea to use public restrooms.

Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated. :D




  1. why you r away use nappies , if she only goes on a potty every once in awhile it shudnt set her back, dont worry if shes not potty trained for a few more months, my daughter was trained at just before 3 years, and girls take longer to train then boys, but girls will be out nappys at night times before boys.xx

  2. She is still kinda young so just get some "Pull Ups" type disposables.

    Encourage the times she doesn't mess and don't sweat the times she does. She'll be fine.

    Have Fun!

  3. I agree with you. Anytime we take a long road trip, our 2 that are potty training regress a little. One thing we do is simple that may or may not work for your situation. We start having them use a small toddler potty a few days before and then carry that with us. You have to clean it up afterwards, but it can save a couple of days catching back up later. Also we reward them with 1 or 2 m&m's everytime they are succesful, in that they make it to the potty AND they are dry or clean.  

  4. When my son was still sitting on the potty I bought those Clorox wipes or the Wet Ones.  I whipped off the potty in the public bathrooms before he used it.  Here is a pic of what they look like.

  5. She is EXTREMELY young for potty training.  If you've been at it for 'a couple of months' and you still have to take her every time, I'd honeslty just stop for a while.  Put her back in diapers and forget about it until she is old enough to actually be trained -- probably in another 6-18 months.  

  6. Since your training her you don't want to break her of what you've already started because it'll be wasted time.  Put her in pull-ups that look like panties & explain to her that they are not diapers & that she shouldn't go to the bathroom in them.  If she asks to use the potty I'd let her use a public toilet just buy those toilet covers, they sell them at target & walmart just incase the bathroom you are using doesnt have them.  And when your in the hotel room make sure she is wearing real panties so you can continue training her. It's always a tough time, but she'll get it!

  7. i think 20 mos is young but some kids just do it young i mean if u are really making progress with her i wouldn't stop now that is great even if she only goes a few times a day that great.and if you going on a trip i would put her on some pullups  and i know the public restrooms are nasty but just think if she was fully p.trained u would have to use them anyways i know when my lil girl had to start using them i hated it but there just going to be times when she has to use them

  8. if its a long trip definately have her wear the pull-ups to prevent accidents but also take numerous pit stops where toilets are availiable and keep asking she has to go...

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