
Question about prison criminals. Info on details?

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There are felony criminals who have a record of rape, robbery, murder, relative murder charges, weapon charges, assault charges, bascially these criminals that like to hurt others or have or attemped to or posed like they were going to. But then for all the other felony criminals who have hurt others just financial wise ( money wise ) without using a weapon or using a threating way, I think these felony criminals should not share a prison with the other felony type criminals like murders, rappest, robbery, and that other stuff said above. They should have a prison just for those type of felony criminals and exclude the others/ Its already bad enough to have to go to jail and be in a sealed room, and their not like the other felony type criminals and so i don't think they should be thrown into the same jungle prison being ready to be attacked by their prey (ememy ) just for the ememys fun and/ or torture. I know it may sound funny, but its sad. Besides these people that weren't murderious,ect.. could become so and so forth just from being mixed in with the wrong felony criminal crowd. I know they shouldn't of commented the crime either. But this doesn't make it right either to be mixed up with the wrong people. What do you think?




  1. I take it you live in America? Because that's completely true. I agree 100%. Also, if the prisons have a problem with races killing each other, why don't they split them up. You see, in Australia, where I live, we do put the different criminals in different prisons, or best we can, and I don't think we have such a problem with race rather than just different groups.

    It's not worth living in an American prison, in Australia, at least you have some quality of life. I've heard our philosophy is, that the punishment is the court, and prison is the consequence, or something along those lines, thus why ours are better. So all the laws that apply on the outside, apply on the inside, so they can smoke and do what they want, within hours of when they're allowed out. Our prisoners work and what not for pay, which they can buy what they want, that's legal.

    America seriously needs to change their jails, it's a mess.  

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