
Question about products I'm taking on my flight?

by  |  earlier

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I'm leaving today for my wedding & honeymoon. I just packed some aerosol cans (insect repellent, hairspray, sunblock, etc.) in a ziplock bag. Will they explode on the plane? I only ask because I know someone that had that happen with a jar of face cream. I packed the products in the same suitcase as my wedding dress. Thanks!




  1. Congratulations!

    The chances of your aerosols exploding are very slim. For peace of mind you could always wrap them in a sealed bag...

  2. at the air port they check your bag

    its 100ml bottles adn containers only for liquid and they have to be in clear plastic bags inn your hand luggage..

    the staff there some time ask things to be removed

    so im not sure if your aloud aerosol cans on the plane..

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