
Question about progesterone supplements

by  |  earlier

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I am ovulating today and am supposed to take my endometrin suppositories starting tonight or in the morning. I have heard that progesterone supplements can be used as a form of birth control. So my question is, if I am ovulating now and sperm can live for up to 5 days, is it safe to take the endometrin this soon. We had intercourse Wednesday through today.




  1. You are thinking about the mini-pill which is a synthetic form of progesterone used as birth control.  It needs to be taken daily and can make the cervical mucus hostile preventing sperm from moving into the cervix . . .which is not your situation as the sperm is already past that point and you have ovulated.  The oral pill form must also be taken for a month before it is effective and it must be taken at the same time every day - even missing one or being a few hours dramatically reduces its effectiveness.

    Basically - I wouldn't worry and I would follow the doctor's directions exactly as you are using the suppositories which is different.  They will help to thicken your lining hopefully leading to better and succesful implantation.

    I was on the vaginal suppositories from just after ovulation until the end of my first trimester . . . and all is going well (knock on wood) with my twin pregnancy!

    Good luck and baby dust!

  2. Hi:)..when I had my iui (intrauterine insemination)I was told to start my progesterone supplements on the 3rd evening after the insemination.I ovulated the day of my insemination and I did become pregnant with twins,but I did go on to miscarry (totally unrelated to the supplements).my nurse told me that basically the progesterone is very soothing to the uterus and it helps with implantation.I hope this helps and good luck!!

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