
Question about puberty?

by Guest61548  |  earlier

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Whats the order and whats the usual age range where guys start to ejaculate




  1. 12

  2. the order, well you usually start puberty when you get pubic hair. after that, your voice well begin to get deeper and then you get armpit hair and facial hair. but that's the order in which it happened to me and it varies among different guys.

    as for ejaculation, most guys usually begin to ejaculate around the time they get pubic hair which is usually around the age of 12 but once again, it varies among different guys.

    hope that helped dude!

  3. im 14 and cant

  4. Puberty is different in all young men.  It is determined by your genes at the time of conception.  Talk with your father and you will probably emulate the same pattern of puberty that he experienced.

    Normal age range is from 13 to  19

  5. I started when I was about 12.

  6. See

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