
Question about radio callers?

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I have always wondered how it all works when a radio station say to call in and be the 100th (or whichever number) caller, how do they exactly know what number caller you are??

Serious answers only please




  1. Im from toronto so i watch this show on tv called breakfast television and they showed on there one day how they do it. they ask for the 7th caller and people phone in and thesesbuttons on the phone light up and when seven are lit up they go to line and and say sorry your caller 1 then caller two and so on to the seventh and number 7 gets the prize. its just like how at an office there are different lines that you can talk on.

  2. I have worked in radio for 24 years.  I have answered many calls for contesting purposes.  I always count.

  3. I've seen it done many different ways. Nowdays, with all the new stuff available, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a phone with a counter on it.

    BUT: I've also sat there and kept hitting the next line saying "Sorry you're number 1,2,3 " til I get to 100.

    And sometimes, they just wait a minute or two and guess.

    -a guy named duh

  4. they count the calls that come in they have may be ten phone lines and go down the line until the number is up

  5. they probably have some counter so that they can count the number of calls.

  6. Having worked in radio many years (16+) and having been "that guy" answering / counting phone calls, I can tell you that the actual method used to determine "caller #___" vaires from specific to random.

    If the show is popular, it's up to the 'producer' or phone screener to get the winner and they MIGHT count the calls.  There's NO required log of calls and no way to check if, for example, 100 calls were ACTUALLY taken prior to the winning #101.  It has happened in the past (and for many, many shows) where the first batch of calls are answered, say 15 or so, to establish that "counting" is occuring, then, either randomly skipping ahead in the count, answering a call and declaring "you're caller #95, keep trying.", then starting the call recorder and answering "___ <Fill in radio station name>, hi there ..." waiting for the expectant "... um, hi - am I caller #101?".  Then try to ramp up the excitement of the caller's reaction by teasing them along and then confirming that that call wins.

    Now, if the show isn't popular enough to get to "#101" by the end of one, or two songs, call skipping is a likelyhood.  It sort of depends on the integrity of the show's personnel.

    The other "dirty secret" about all this is, winning calls are always recorded, the super-excited ones turned into promos, and can be played "as if it just happened", or is "live", when in fact, the winner called 20 minutes ago.

    Any station / show that invites you to be "caller #___" does so only to retain listeners, and plays calls to increase your willingness to call to try to win - - someone wins, why not me?

    (The truly devious shows / stations will play the recorded calls of a string of disappointed, but eager people prior to the "winner's" call.)

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