
Question about reading test results?

by  |  earlier

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So I know I should have waited until tomorrow to test to get an acurate result, but I couldn't wait so I tested this morning and my period was due yesterday. So I got a faint positive after about two minutes, but it didn't get any darker after ten minutes and I know all results are invalid then, so what does this sound like to you?

The test said it works in a minute, so I waited and then after about two it showed up...any suggestions as to whether or not it could be positive? :) It would be so great if it was, I just want to know other peoples opinions please!





  1. Hey, that is wonderful news! Congratulations! A faint positive is still a positive:)

  2. yeah! any positive is usually a great sign! good luck! take another test maybe in a day or two they say hcg doubles as the days go on!

  3. I would get a digital test. My friends was faint on Monday we thought maybe invalid so she went and got a digital and right there on the stick PREGNANT! If you already tested positive the hormones are in your system so you can take another one today and they will still be there...

  4. go see your doctor :)

    good luck

  5. its positive!!!!  

    CONGRATS!!  a line is a line, in an hpt the intensity doesn't matter.  But take a digital, just to make sure that it is that s**y positive we all strive for!!  then go to the doctors!!  Good Luck and a happy and healthy 9months!!!  So exciting ur son is going to have a little brother or sister!!!!!!!!!!

  6. i would say you are pregnant but would test again tomorrow morning to be 100% good luck

  7. you can go for a blood test

  8. I would think you are pregnant.  I've never taken a test that said to wait 1 minutes before.  The kinds I used all said to wait 3 minutes.  Plus, if it's only invalid after 10 minutes, that means that it's only an invalid result if the line appears or disappears after 10 minutes.  A faint line still means you are pregnant, just that you don't have an abundance of hcg yet.  You are probably early in your pregnancy.

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