
Question about relationships? (christians only, sorry)?

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I was wondering. It seems like every time I take an interest in a guy, he ends up liking another girl. I noticed that guys like to look but they never end up actually talking to me. When I do meet the right guy God will put in my life, will he help to make it happen?




  1. When God feels that it is your time to meet the guy that you are going to spend the rest of your life with you will know and God will have it all mapped out for you. Trust me I know. I am in my waiting seasons. I am just waiting on God to send me my mate.  

  2. He did for me. Bless you sister.

  3. You will eventually find love, but don't rush it, it will come. God hasn't forgotten about you.

  4. Well maybe guys hate your personality.  I don't know what you look like, but I already know your attitude sucks since you asked a question "only for Christians."  People like you are MAJOR turn-offs.  No one wants to date a Bible-thumper who discriminates others just because they aren't Christian.

  5. yea im christian too, God doesn't make miracles for us in the movies, his miracles come to us in the form of opportunites

  6. Do you know the story of the Godly man and the flood?  Not Noah.  This was just a good Christian man.  An Emergency official comes to his house, says there is a hurricane on the way, and there will likely be severe flooding, so the government is recommending that everyone in the affected area evacuate.  The Good Christian thanks the official, but says, no, I'll stay in my home.  I've trusted God all my life, I'm sure he'll take care of me now.  

    Well the flood waters comes.  They reach up to the first floor of his house.  So he waits patiently upstairs.  A rescue boat comes by and tells the man to crawl out the window and get in the boat.  He tells them not worry, he doesn't need the boat, God will provide.

    As the flood waters get higher, the man is forced to take refuge on the roof of his house.  A helicopter comes and lowers a ladder for him.  He waves them off, shouting that God will take care of him.  The flood waters continue to rise, and the man drowns.

    First thing he does in heaven is march up to God and say, "I trusted in you!  How could you let me drown?"

    God says, "Hey, I sent you a warning, a boat and even a helicopter.  What more did you want me to do?"

  7. it is my experience that u find your 1 true love when u r least expecting to or, if u will, when u r not looking for it

    in my case i believe God put us together neither i nor my wife, for the last 24+ yrs, were looking to date or marry or anything at the time we started to date it just happened and it grew from there and we married for the record she was not pregnant in fact she was still a virgin and then we had kids and they grew and have kids of their own now but we were not looking for each other or anyone in respect to dating or marriage it just happened and we fell in love and are still in love today

    so my answer is yes God will make it happen most likely, in my view of things, when u least expect it funny how that worked for us lol

  8. Maybe God is protecting you from the jerks that you have so far met and you take it as bad luck. When the right guy for you comes along, which are very hard to find now a days, God will make the connection. Be patient because God works on His time frame and not always ours.

  9. God can and will help those who ask. But be aware that He put us here to develop character and part of that character is learning to make right decisions for ourselves. The best advice I can give is the same I gave my own kids as they set out on life....Don't look for the right person, BE the right person!  ( The right one will find you )  Good luck and thanks for sharing!

  10. when god decides your time is'll feel it.he wont put anyone there but he will let you know when to start looking and dating.then you'll just "bump into" the right guy.

  11. Read:

    Romans 10

    Pray (God doesn't want you to marry a non-believer)

  12. You won't do anything yourself and only hope for something magically happen you won't really get anywhere.

  13. Yes. This is the beauty of believing in the almighty God. He has everything PERFECTLY planned out and is already making it happen. Just be patient and pray. And dont you worry, God's plan ALWAYS come into play. He will most certainly make it happen. And you will love it.

  14. Usually(what I have witnessed) is you ladies go after the one you cannot get. You ignore the nice guys because they are nice it seems you want the unattainable the big challenge.Pray about that God would put the right man and he will! If not you should think about Gods will about marriage Dont do it by your power do it in his.

  15. God won't put anyone in your life. He doesn't exist.

  16. If those guys don't give you their full attention, then they are not meant for you. Be patient and continue to trust in God. He doesn't rush things, so you shouldn't either. He is still working on his plan for you :-) Good luck!

  17. Yes, God will help you through any situation, even the right guy.  Just keep trusting that He knows who will be just right for you and the best.  Don't settle for anyone less.

  18. You will feel a spark inside of you, thats the only way I know how to describe it. From that point on keep ur eyes open for any oppportunity to just talk to him, get to know him, swap phone numbers, the works. The problem is you have to swallow ur hesitation and take the opportunities that present themselves, or he may lose intrest. God gives us these innate hunches and urges for a reason, learn to recognize and respond to them correctly and your life itself will improve greatly. Ask not what he can do, ask what you can do; relationships are a partnership so both people have to try their best, if he doesn't help as well then he's not the one God chose for you

  19. Love is beautiful and magical and usually happens when least day a guy is going to come by and sweep you off of your feet be patient...And God will make it happen stop worrying about it and watch it happen let that guy find you don't say I want this guy let the guy want you and if he is not a Christian then if he really like you then soon or later he will love what you love and that is God and if he is a Christian then like Paul said he will be able to show the real LOVE...Just Be Patient



  20. He probably ends up talking to another girl because he finds out you sit there waiting for "GOD" to make it happen. And what will GOD say when he finds out you said "Christians only"?

  21. From a Christian point of voice read the book of Ruth.  Ruth placed herself in an obedient position in life's circumstances for God to move in her life.  And in so doing she gained a husband.  The same thing with the woman who saved the 2 spies in the city of Jericho that Joshua sent out.  She told the spies that her people were afraid of Israel and that she knew their God was the true God.  For no one could save a nation like their God could..  Interestingly enough both woman are part of the genealogy trail of Jesus Christ.   Which is the trail of faith that one reads in the Hebrews 11.

    So seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all the things that you desire God will give them to you.  I hope this helps. Take care.

  22. Keep your mind on God, not men.  Never pursue anything or anyone but God.  He will take care of the rest.

  23. yes it may take time and you have all the time in the world for the right person or soul mate i had one and i will tell you you can have disagreements but they are nothing like some have they are just a bit of disagreeing and that is all. you need to have one that is like you yourself. you have to be alike cause that is how you are and then there is no problems its when you are one but when there is this two business you don't' need any part of it sharing and loving and honesty is the best thing to get out of a relationship and yours hasn't come yet.

  24. When you meet the right guy for you, God will give you a sign, or tell him to talk to you/make the moves. Dont worry, the right guy will come along eventually.

  25. i am also christian but it must be said: dont wait for God to put a good man in your life. go out and find him yourself!

  26. You must learn to look to God to show you who you need to be with. Then you will learn unconditional love instead of making the guy's decisions God's will for you..also known as idolatry. It's a big lesson.

    A good example of this is in Shakespeare's All's Well that Ends Well. He uses the will of the king as a substitute for God's will. But kings were supposed to have divine right.

    Edit....this WILL take much patience...but it's the only way to a happy marriage.

  27. I'm sure you'll meet the guy for you someday.  Probably when you're not looking.

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