
Question about running/jogging?

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Im going to be 14 and I run along the road in my town. And I was wondering how long I should run for, and if its appropriate? And what should I eat before going? And is it bad to run with a chewing-gum?

Thanx for your help!

(Best answer given)




  1. hey i'm 14 and a runner too! well if your training for cross country or track, maybe run 3-5 miles, but if it's just a lighjt jog for the fun of it maybe 2-3? try not to eat too soon before you go running, eat a meal atleast an hour before you run, and try not to go running while hungry! you probably shouldnt chew gum while your running, usually when your out of breath while your running you breath alot through your mouth and you'd be sure to choke.

    have a good run:]

  2. A good time to start with is 30 minutes. You should increase your time and distance as weeks go on. You should also try to get some speed workouts like sprints into your workout. Make sure you stretch thouroughly before starting. You don't have to eat before you jog, but if you do, fruit or vegetables or something wouldn't hurt. No junk foods before you run. If you eat a big meal you might want to wait 45 minutes to an hour before jogging. Chewing gum doesn't hurt anything, it could work your mouth muscles! Have fun running!

  3. I am the same age as you and run both track and cross country at my high school.  For cross country, during the school year we run 6 days a week.  Mondays and thursdays we run intervals on the track.  I am not sure if you could do that, but we do 10 400s at a 90 second pace with a minute break inbetween, 5 800s at a 3 minute pace, or 1 mile repeats (3 separate miles) at a 6:30 pace.  And then on all of the other days we go on road runs for 5 miles at a pace of 40 minutes.  Starches are very good for you before you go out and run!!!!!  noodles, pastas, bread, and a TON of water so you will not get dehydrated.  Also, i always chew gum when i go for a long run because when i start to feel pain i chew it and it helps to relieve some of the pain for me!  i hope that helped you.  =)

  4. deffinatly eat first and drink alot of water

    1-2 miles

    beginer (jog-walk when you get tired-jog again)

    not beginer lol (run-jog/fast walk when you get tired-run again)

    eat whatever pretty much

    its not bad to chew gum... unless your known for choking : )

  5. i'd run for 30 minutes to an hour.

    chewing gum is fine. Just don't choke on it :]

  6. Pace yourself, listen to your body, if you feel like you need to stop then stop.

    No, never eat before any kind of work out, you WILL get sick to your stomach if not worse! Wait an hour and a half after you eat a carb full meal like spagetti.

    I'd  choke on my gum.

  7. I am 14, a runner also.

    I recently quit for a while, but promise to get back into it ASAP.

    Anyways. .

    It depends.

    As long as you don't absolutely KILL yourself doing it.

    No more than an hour. Probably less.

    You're a distance runner, right?

    You should eat lightly, don't fill yourself up much, but a banana, apple or some noodles will do, as grains/carbs stick w/ you & give you energy as does the potassium in bananas.

    Not neccesarily.

    I don't think it cold hurt - I've done it.

    Anyways, good luck & happy running. :]

  8. ...

    A young girl . . . running along the road in town . . . is it appropriate?  My question, as the dad of 3 running daughters is, is it safe?

    It's safe if the traffic is low . . . and there is a good shoulder and no rocks . . . and you run during the day - not early morning, pre-dawn, nor after sunset . . . and you run in a part of town that you know is "safe" . . . and your family knows where you are running . . .

    It's even safer when you run with one or more friends (the more the safer!).

    How long depends upon where you are in your training schedule.  Just starting out you might be running no more than 10 or 20 minutes at a time.

    What you eat before going out depends upon you, what your stomach can tolerate, how long it takes to digest food, how hard you will run.  That's part of the personal research in running, what works for YOU.  

    And running with chewing gum, is it bad?  When I was 14 the coaches said I was so uncoordinated I couldn't run and chew at the same time.  It's no worse chewing gum while running than any other time.  

    Frankly, when I go out for a long run or get into a long race, I chew a specific type of long-lasting gum just to keep the dry feeling out of my mouth.  That's likely the only benefit!



  9. hey im 15 and am obsessed with running so heres my advice:

    yes its totally appropriate just watch out for cars seriously from experiance they dont give a c**p about you, i think 2-3 miles is the perfect distance if your just doing it to keep in shape. If you are more serious about it maybe 5-6. If your just trying to get a little cardio in then 1-1.5 is fine. I like to eat granola or nuts before running but keep it light and at least 45 min. before cuz when you start getting into three miles youll feel the food in your stomach. Everyone always says eat carbs but thats for like the night before, don't go eat like 5 slices of bread right before you run. Its not bad to run with gum but i hate it cuz it might mess up your breathing pattern and causes you to salivate more. Ok well i thinks thats all good luck and happy running!

  10. i think that u should run atleast between 1-2 miles a day. im the same age as u and i also run. good question bout wat u should eat. bananas r the best thing to eat b4 u run....and i think u shouldnt run w/ gum in ur mouth...u could actually choke.Ü

  11. Run until you feel like you should stop. If you're a beginner, start at 1/2 a mile, and do that for a week, and work your way up, remembering to take rest days.

    You should eat carbs right before, but not too much. Otherwise, you'll get stomach cramps (at least I do). For gum, I think it's fine as long as it's a small enough amount that it won't choke you if you accidently swallow it.

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