
Question about running?

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I know I've heard about repeatedly doing a workout, your body gets used to it. Does this apply to running? Ive ran 2 miles everyday for like 2 months, but i still get super tired finishing those 2 miles it's not like I run them and stop with full energy. I'm still burning calories right?




  1. well u may feel so tired because of what you are eating throughout the day. but also if u increse ur speed or incline at all you will get more tired so it all depends on alot of things. u may not be burning calories how ever ifu r eating more calories then you burn.

  2. Yes, you are burning calories.  In fact, when you are sleeping, you are still burning calories.  You want to be efficient in burning calories.  Because you are still getting super tired and your body is getting used to the workout, I would start varying the workout.  If you really like the 2 miles, maybe you have a favorite route, one time run it at the same pace, the next time, run fast for 1 minute jog for 2-3 minutes, another time change it up even more with jog-sprint-stride pattern.

    Also, check your heart rate through the run.  Try to be about 60-75% of your maximum heart rate.  (Rule of thumb, subtract your age from 220 and that gives your your maximum heart rate)  Also, have you decreased your time while doing it or stayed the same.  Speed of workout can make a big difference.

    Good luck!

  3. Yeah you're still burning calories. And what you're doing is building muscle memory.

    Think of it this way. You have an exam coming. You study only multiple choice questions. Sure you're studying, but its only one specific way. What you really want to do is study multiple choice, essay, and short answer.

    I know... horrible example but hopefully it got the point across. You'll probably want to vary up cardio and weight loss. Next day you run maybe you should run just a mile, but make it 7 minute-mile pace. Then the next time you run, run 3 miles but make it a 10 minute-mile pace.

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